read my mind

Sunday, April 18

This blog has been left to collect dust for too long... :D Aanyway, I'm back... don't know when I'll next post so I figured I should just blog.

My life now is... different, and I'm still struggling to get used to things... Hope it all can change soon... *sigh*

Last Wednesday I had this pain coming up after breakfast in my lower right abdomen... and it hurt like hell. Couldn't help clean up the bunk or the toilet... just rolling around in pain... didn't go and report sick 'cause I was going out for my medical appointment... So I booked out with the pain, went to Changi General Hospital, and booked back in with the pain. I'd told the doctor about the pain but apparently he didn't think it was anything... what could I do?

Some of the guys suggested that it could be appendicitis, and the symptoms seemed to match... I decided to wait till book out on Thursday to get it checked. So on Thursday, after reaching home, I went to meet my mom at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (not before walking at Orchard a little... :p *ssshhhh*). So, I got admitted into hospital and spent Good Friday there... My condition improved a little, so the doctors decided to let me go home on Sunday, and gave me 7 days MC. So I was supposed to stay at home for 7 days... blah...

Went back to the hospital yesterday 'cause I didn't think I could carry on with normal duties back at camp. What the doctor told me was that it can't be appendicitis since the pain lasted for such a long period as 10 days, so it probably was something else... but I guess she didn't think it warranted a check-up. She gave me one more day MC, so yeah, I gotta go back today...

I think I'm already so out of touch with stuff there now, wonder how I'm gonna cope... *sigh*

This has been my experience for the past 10 days... it's not what I would have liked to talk about, but well... Aanyway, hope to see all you guys soon... if you do come back to this blog that is... heh...