read my mind

Saturday, June 25

My first week back in camp was certainly eventful, I'd say. In fact, it makes me miss my recourse days. I try to remind myself that a lot of the other guys from my platoon are going through much worse than I am, to keep myself going. It is hard sometimes, when you're dealing with an unreasonable superior.

I'm also pondering over my story right now, thinking about the format of narration. I'm also worried the style might be a little too Audrey Niffenegger from 'The Time Traveler's Wife'. The guide book on writing advises not to copy style too much, just to write in a way that is comfortable to you. Although the style that I'm currently using is very comfortable for me, I find that it is very similar to the above-mentioned. I'm puzzled. I am quite confident about the prologue though, maybe because it doesn't really involve the main character(s).

I'm going to try and find inspiration wherever I can find it, and hopefully the story will become more solid and tangible, and not just a spark of inspiration in the air.

1 comment(s):

jia you.
can gimmi a free copy of ur book when ure done?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:36 am  

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