read my mind

Sunday, August 7

It's early, early Sunday morning. I've just had the most wonderful birthday celebration I think I've ever had.

Met the tribe for dinner at The Piazza, Howe Yuan and Kaiquan were delayed due to duty stuff. Dinner was all right, we discussed some stuff there, Cindy distributed her ribs for us to eat... hee. Then we made our way down to The MindCafé, which is a cafe where you can play board games and stuff, and it was a whole lot of fun. There, I ordered a brownie with ice cream, which I thought was pretty delicious.

We ran through a couple of games, without much interest. Jenga 'Truth or Dare' was pretty tame, since it's for kids too. Yingzhi was dared to balance a block on her head and walk around the café; that wasn't as fun as we thought it'd be. We gave up Taboo at first, wanting to try other games, but when we decided to try Taboo, it was taken by another group. Kaiquan spotted that they weren't playing, so he went to ask them to let us use it. I'm glad he did; our most fun was from playing that.

I think we played Taboo for probably over an hour, although it definitely didn't feel like that. The game really brought our description skills to the test, and we were probably oblivious to the fact that we were yelling so much... Joy was a little nervous, but she did pretty good. Everyone was real good too, it was all so much fun to see how we tried to get our teams to guess the correct term. Finally, we were at tie score: 64. We decided to do a Sudden Death. Jeanette, from the opposing team (her, Kaiquan, Howe Yuan) went first; they got 4 correct. I decided to play for my team, which consisted of Cindy, Yingzhi, Joy and me. It was so much fun, and boy was I on a roll! 10! Woohoo!

I'm so glad we went there today. I heard that the café's going to be featured in The Sunday Times tomorrow (or later today), which means more exposure, which means more people are going to go there. At least we got to go there before that.

I still don't feel 20 yet, but this year, my birthday celebrations have been pretty numerous and wonderful, and I feel so blessed. Thank you all.

I'm 20! (?)

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