read my mind

Thursday, September 11

One month into school exactly, and this is the time everything starts piling up. Yet, I'm only blogging now. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU RYAN?!

Hmm nothing much to update, just that this week I've had something distract me from work, and boy is it a fun distraction. It's Spore, the latest game to spring forth from The Sims creator Will Wright's mind. Okay, so it didn't spring forth; it took around 4 years to develop. But for me, the wait was excruciating enough.

Spore (not S'pore, short-form for Singapore) is a game where you take a tiny cell in the sea (yay A Fine Frenzy), decide its diet, and start eating. In the process you gain DNA points and body parts, and you get to choose what you want and where you want it. Eventually it's time to swim out of the sea, and you give legs to your cell, who then becomes 3D, and is now known as a creature. Then from creature, you graduate to a tribe, which later becomes civilisation. When that's done, you move into outer space, flying from planet to planet until you finally reach the centre of your universe. What makes the whole experience better, is that the creatures, buildings and vehicles you see in the game have mostly been created by other Sporers. The game downloads and uploads all these creations to and from the Sporepedia, the database that currently holds over 5 million creations. Gameplay is... slightly repetitive and shallower than other specialised games, but the fun is really in the creating and sharing of content. So far I've been unable to resist playing the game, even though I've got work to do. Sheesh.

In other areas, taking 4 literature modules instead of the usual 3 out of 5 total modules this semester may finally be taking its toll on me. Have a novel to finish before 10 am tomorrow, and an assignment due on Monday, both for the same module! Eeks. Hmm. If I manage to survive the weekend, I think I'll be alright. Haha. Big 'if'. Wish me luck.

Here're some recommendations I'd like to make from what I'm listening to/playing/watching these days:

Spore by EA Games (PC/Mac game) - See above. Comes in Regular Edition ($56.90) and Galactic Edition ($79.90). No prizes for guessing which one I got.

One Cell in the Sea by A Fine Frenzy (CD) - A Fine Frenzy is made up of Alison Sudol, someone who's actually born in 1985 (Other 1985 babies include Michael Phelps and Colbie Caillat. Hurrah good old non-achieving me). Her music is poetic, having been inspired by literary greats like Shakespeare, Carroll and Dickens. Hard to pick out a favourite song. Maybe 'The Minnow and the Trout' (where the album name is from).

Little Voice by Sara Bareilles (CD) - Remember 'Love Song', that catchy pop tune with that addictive piano hook? Her album's just as well done, with Sara's voice being the perfect vehicle for her witty lyrics. I love the last track, 'Gravity'. So haunting and heartbreaking.

Wall.E by Walt Disney Pictures (Motion Picture) - Wall.E is the movie in which robots teach humans how to live. That's what my opinion of the film is. The adventure that you're taken on with the characters never stops even after the film is over. Watch it.


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